Kemandirian Mengurus Diri Anak Tunagrahita di SMPLB YPAC Jember Setelah Diterapkan Teknik Modelling


  • Dayu Ikrima Ilmi Sabila UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember Author
  • Muhammad Muhib Alwi UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember Author


Independence in self-care, mentally retarded children, modeling techniques


Independence is a person's attitude or behavior in managing themselves without depending on others to complete their tasks such as taking care of themselves. This independence focuses on mentally retarded children who train themselves to be independent in taking care of things such as wearing lace-up shoes and wearing button-up clothes. In increasing independence in mentally retarded students, modeling techniques are used, namely live models, symbolic models, multiple models. This research aims to 1. To describe the application of modeling techniques in training independent self-care for mentally retarded children at SMPLB YPAC Jember. 2. To describe the independence of caring for mentally retarded children at SMPLB YPAC Jember after applying modeling techniques. This research method uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type, the research subjects use purposive sampling and use observation, interview and documentation techniques. In analyzing data using the Miles and Huberman model through data condensation, data presentation, verification and drawing conclusions. Meanwhile, to test the validity of the data using source triangulation. The research obtained is 1. Applying a live model which is done directly and here the teacher makes the model. 2. Symbolic model: In this application, the teacher provides a presentation via video about how to wear lace-up shoes and wear button-up clothes. 3. Multiple models are also called double models, where the models are carried out by the students themselves to help each other. In implementing this modeling, there was an improvement. Previously, students had not been able to wear lace-up shoes and wear button-up clothes independently, but after being given the application, students were able to wear them independently, although there was one respondent who experienced difficulties.


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How to Cite

Kemandirian Mengurus Diri Anak Tunagrahita di SMPLB YPAC Jember Setelah Diterapkan Teknik Modelling. (2024). Indonesian Journal of Disability Research, 2(1), 43-50.